Friday, April 24, 2015

Welcome to the CCEFP!

Welcome to the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP) Summer 2015 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program!

The purpose of your summer research experience is to provide you with exposure and application of laboratory research practices and facilities. While you will be one of only a few students at your local university, you are, in fact, part of a bigger network of 20 other REU participants across the CCEFP! We hope your time spent with us is an exciting one and your experience is valuable, meaningful and insightful.  And fun!

For your first blog post, tell us a little about yourself in the form of a short bio, include a photo or make a video or a vine! Each week, post something regarding your research project and experience on this blog!

Looking forward to meeting you at the CCEFP Fluid Power Bootcamp at Purdue!