Thank you for finding your way here! This is our official REU blog and I
enthusiastically encourage you to use this as a means to share, with
the broader CCEFP community, all the wonderful things you experience and
learn over the summer. Please use any media tool (video, vine, text,
photos, etc.) you prefer, to share with us a bit about yourself. I'll begin!
name is Alyssa and I have served as the Education Outreach Director of
the CCEFP since its
inception in 2006. Most recently, CCEFP has initiated a formal partnership with the National Fluid Power Association (NFPA), headquartered in Milwaukee, WI. Now, I serve in multiple roles between the two organizations, primarily focused on workforce development programming, communications and administration. I really do enjoy my role in the Center, it's
provided me so many
opportunities, one of which is the pleasure of meeting all of you!
I have the flexibility to use my creative side and the challenge of
using my applied side and the ability to use my strategic and visionary side. I am afforded the chance to travel many places,
engage with many people, and learn many new things.
Personally, my most precious
accomplishment, however, is being a mom! I have a little boy,
Jayce, who I affectionately refer to as "little Stinky". He's just over two. He is absolutely the most spirited, intelligent, silly, little beast of a toddler. You best believe I'm grooming him
early to be an engineer -- excavators, cranes and trains being among his most favorite machines.
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