Hello everyone my name is Jesus Partida and yes I know we should have posted about who we were at the beginning of this little adventure we are all undertaking; however, now I am forcing myself to sit down and do it since I have not actually done it yet and almost everyone else has so......anyways this blog is gonna be 3 blogs in 1 essentially haha. Lets get started with the introductions even though most of you already met me at the boot camp.
Hello Everyone my name is Jesus Partida and I am a rising Junior at the University of California Merced (Go Bobcats!) who is currently studying Bioengineering and is also the Vice President of the Society for the Advancement of Hispanics/Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) chapter. I will be (and am currently) doing research under Dr. Jun Ueda in the mechanical engineering department at Georgia Tech and working on a device for the rehabilitation of stroke victims. My future plans include going to graduate school and studying most likely either Mechanical Engineering or Material Science Engineering. In my free time I enjoy watching anime as well as playing videogames, particularly role playing games like Dragon Age and Final Fantasy, I also enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons with friends so yes everyone I am a massive nerd.
Time for the first weeks blog
Well that first week was very interesting I mean for an REU bootcamp it was a very interesting beginning. I mean initially I had never before in my life had ever taken a plane so it was interesting taking a place twice in one day as well as never ever leaving the state of California say to go to Mexico, but that was besides the point. Once I got to the Indianapolis airport I was expecting to just take my shuttle...but my baggage was delayed and so I missed my shuttle I had no way to get back. That is until a lady which I had met in my flight from Arizona greeted me once more and had agreed to take me to my destination. I was shocked I mean a stranger offering me a ride?! I accepted and yes this is pretty close to hitchhiking during the Journey I got to see a very green landscape something I have never seen before it was astounding and I loved it. Then I had my real meal of the day at the location where all of the REU students were together....this post is rather long...it shall be continued in another post right after this one!..........
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