Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Entry 1: Boot Camp

I am so glad to have been able to experience the boot camp at Purdue, mostly being able to meet some incredible people. I really enjoyed being able to see fluid power in every day cases and that there are so many applications for it.

I really enjoyed the labs and being able to tear things up and understand how the fluid moved through them. I am glad that now I know the difference between a pump and a motor, and that I understand the basics of hydraulic circuits. Working with the circuits was really fun, and I definitely felt challenged when Tyler and I completed the circuits and then he would change something in the circuit and we sat there and had to figure it out. Though early in the morning the lecture was really helpful in understanding what was to come for the next couple of days.

Thank you so much for the amazing food and the great people that I was able to meet during my time there. It was fun exploring, eating ice cream, and riding the bears that seemed to be all over the place.

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